Estate Planning At Any Age

Estate Planning At Any Age

You probably associate the term “estate planning” with a certain age, when it should be considered at any age and in all aspects of your financial planning. Everyone—regardless of age, wealth, and family situation—can benefit from some degree of estate...

The rise and fall of a cryptocurrency exchange: FTX

The world of cryptocurrency surged into the mainstream conversation and internet activity during the pandemic, with so many folks sitting at home with time on their hands and wanting to explore alternative ways to make money. We saw surges in self-directed stock...
Your Money & Mental Health

Your Money & Mental Health

October 10th marks World Mental Health Day, with the theme “Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority”. Making mental health a priority has to start with identifying key factors that affect an individual’s mental health. Studies...
Booming in Retirement

Booming in Retirement

The Baby Boomer generation is that post-World War II baby boom that came, and are now aged 58 to 76. This means they’re spanning pre-retirement and retirement, and that tends to be their financial focus. This generation has amassed wealth in real estate,...
GenX: Now’s the Time

GenX: Now’s the Time

Welcome back to my Milestone Money series! We’re talking about Generation X, those born as early as 1965 and as late as 1980. This is a middle point of life where you’re in your 40s or 50s, may have dependent children still, but are growing ever nearer to...