Your Money & Mental Health

Your Money & Mental Health

October 10th marks World Mental Health Day, with the theme “Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority”. Making mental health a priority has to start with identifying key factors that affect an individual’s mental health. Studies...
GenX: Now’s the Time

GenX: Now’s the Time

Welcome back to my Milestone Money series! We’re talking about Generation X, those born as early as 1965 and as late as 1980. This is a middle point of life where you’re in your 40s or 50s, may have dependent children still, but are growing ever nearer to...
5 Financial Focuses for Young Adults

5 Financial Focuses for Young Adults

Welcome to my Milestone Money series. All the month of April I’ll be talking about the financial concerns of each generation, starting with young adults, all the way through Baby Boomers. Read, share, and consider your financial future. You’re young and...