
Booming in Retirement

Booming in Retirement

The Baby Boomer generation is that post-World War II baby boom that came, and are now aged 58 to 76. This means they're spanning pre-retirement and retirement, and that tends to be their financial focus. This generation has amassed wealth in real estate, investments,...

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Thrive as a Millennial

Thrive as a Millennial

My Milestone Money series continues with those aged 26 to 41, or the generation labeled "Millennials". This generation gets a bit of a bad rap because they've come of age surrounded by new and swiftly advancing technology, and in the age of convenience and service....

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New Year… New Goals

New Year… New Goals

Whether or not you’re a New Years Resolutions person, it’s helpful to set some goals for any period of time. They don’t have to be in January… heck, set some in May and switch it up! The point is, that you set some goals, create a plan and take the necessary action to...

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2020… a Year of EMPOWERMENT

2020… a Year of EMPOWERMENT

Do you feel good about your MONEY? What makes you feel EMPOWERED? Often having the courage to admit we don't have it all figured out, finding someone to help us, and taking the steps necessary for change can lead to not only feeling empowered but making immense...

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