Tips & Tricks

Master Your Money: Investing 101

Master Your Money: Investing 101

With more and more people working remotely, staying at home and having a little more time to think about their money while watching the media focus on markets climbing up and up, there has been a considerable rise in individuals considering some self-directed...

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12 Days of COVID Christmas Savings

12 Days of COVID Christmas Savings

This year I've taken my 2019 12 Days of Christmas Savings and reimagined it for COVID. 1 – Giving: 2020 has been hard for so many, so if you can, please give 2 – Start with a Philosophy: we won’t be in this forever, so give gift cards to support businesses today that...

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Christmas Budget Time

Christmas Budget Time

[Originally published December 2, 2018, updated November 5, 2020] T'is the season again... the coffee shops are sporting their holiday cups, the stores have crossed over their seasonal sections to Christmas, and the early starters are digging out their holiday decor....

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Mastering Your Crisis Cashflow

Mastering Your Crisis Cashflow

Each person's financial situation is different, so while some may be experiencing financial hardship during this current crisis, others are lucky to still be employed and aren't feeling the pinch the same way (but surely have other issues to deal with in these...

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