You probably associate the term "estate planning" with a certain age, when it should be considered at any age and in all aspects of your financial planning. Everyone—regardless of age, wealth, and family situation—can benefit from some degree of estate planning, and...
The New Retirement Reality
This year's market volatility, rising interest rates, increased inflation and housing prices becoming almost out of reach for so many Canadians has folks needing to review their traditional views on retirement. This is something that's manageable for those 20 or more...
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month
Life Insurance. Like your automobile and home insurance, it's to cover financial losses in the event of the unexpected. Unlike automobile and home insurance, you'll never see the benefit of the coverage you pay for. Life insurance is not for you. It's for those you...
Canada Day 2015… and some changes
Did You Know? Today is a day to celebrate being Canadian! This year has brought about a few legal and financial changes for Canadians... some of which will affect all Canadians.Here are some highlights that you should be aware of: Effective January 1, 2015, changes...